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How to prepare for laser hair removal?

Views: 233     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2024-07-31      Origin: Site

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How to prepare for laser hair removal?

Maybe you are tired of the time-consuming and cumbersome ways of shaving and waxing, and want to wear a skirt or go to the beach without thinking about leg and chest hair. Whatever the reason for choosing laser hair removal, it's definitely a smart choice.

If you are laser hair removal for the first time, do not know what preparations need to be done before laser hair removal treatment? Your confusion will be resolved next.

To prepare for laser hair removal treatment:

(1) Avoid sunlight exposure to the treatment area for the first 14 days. Tanned skin can cause laser burns to the skin's surface and require a four-week wait before laser treatment.

(2) Avoid using products that cause photosensitivity on the treated area for the first three days. Mild cleansers and lotions should be used.

(3) Avoid botulinum toxin injections, dermal filler injections, chemical peels, or microdermabrasion for the first 14 days.

(4) Shave the treated area before laser treatment, avoid waxing, plucking or using chemical depilatory agents.

(5) Clean the treatment area before laser treatment and avoid any lotion or beauty cream, etc.

(6) Do not bleach hair. Laser treatment is more effective for dark colored hair follicles.

(7) Avoid caffeine. It increases sensitivity.