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Safe on Dark Lux Skin for Home Use Philips Kenzzi Handset Amazon for Men Face Effectiveness

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Technology: double handles(dpl +shr) hair removal +skin rejuvenation system
Energy Density: 1-50j/m2(adjustable)
Cooling system: wind+water + semiconductor cooling
Operation mode:HR/PR/SR/XR
Functions: hair removal, skin rejuvenation, skin whitening
Input voltage: 220V 50Hz
  • BM061

  • Bomeitongbeauty


Safe on Dark Lux Skin for Home Use Philips Kenzzi Handset Amazon for Men Face Effectiveness


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DPL (Dye Pulse Light), a new narrow-spectrum light technology, quickly and efficiently solve facial pigmentation and

telangiectasia (red face) problems. Because the curative effect is significantly beyond the photo rejuvenation, and the treatment

cycle is significantly shortened, it has epoch-making significance in the field of optical cosmetic skin rejuvenation technology.

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The difference between DPL and lPL ?

1.IPL:The use of 400-1200nm wide-spectrum intense pulsed light to treat superficial pigment and vascular problems inthe skin, but because the spectrum contains multiple wavelengths, photon energy can not be concentrated directly to thelesion, requiring multiple treatments.DPL: Selecting strong pulsed light in the 550~650nm band, including the absorptionpeak of melanin and oxyhemoglobin, the precise concentration of therapeutic energy, the absorption rate of target tissueis greatly improved, and the problem of superficial pigmentation and various vascular problems are quickly solved.Thetreatment course is more traditional than traditional photons. The skin rejuvenation is greatly shortened.

DPL precision skin rejuvenation treatment range:

(1). Rejuvenation:shrink pores, wrinkle whitening, brighten skin tone (2) Red blood: congenital red blood, red skin afterskin resurfacing, red face (face flushing), red blood acne, rosacea, etc. (3). Freckle:.freckles, chloasma, sunburn, agespots, pigmentation, etc.

DPL precision skin rejuvenation advantage :
(1) The treatment of pigmented diseases is shorter,and the immediate response is more obvious.(2) do the blemish has the advantage, high selectivity to provide efficacy (3)There will be further dilution in cases where there has been no subsequent change in photon therapy.

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