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Soft Wave Therapy Shockwave Machine Pain Relief RSWT LI-ESWT Machine

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ltem: Softwave Therapy
Function:Pain Relief
Customized service:OEM/ODM/LOGO
Certification: CE
Warranty: 12 months
  • SW1

  • Bomeitongbeauty


Soft Wave Therapy Shockwave Machine Pain Relief RSWT LI-ESWT Machine

softwave therapy

SoftWaves are created by means of a high-energy electricaldischarge in water.The voltage is dischargedbetween theopposing tips (plus and minus pole)of an electrode.The arcing orso-called spark gap causesan equalization of voltage between thetwo tips of the electrode whereby a hot plasma bubble is created.This bubble explodes in all directions, compresses thesurrounding water and generates a pressure > 10MPa within onlya few nanoseconds (10-9s). The released SoftWave energy isfocused to various degreesby means of different patentedreflector types. The more the SoftWave energy is focused, thedeeper itshealing effects can be quided into the treated tissue.

SoftWave devices use patented electro-hydraulic applicators andrepresent the ONLY UNFOCUSEDSHOCKWAvE device on the market.

shockwave machineshockwave machine

4. Benefits of Soft Shockwave Therapy:**

  - **Non-Invasive:** Soft shockwave therapy is non-invasive, meaning it does not require surgical procedures or incisions.

  - **Minimal Discomfort:** Patients typically experience minimal discomfort during the procedure, and it is generally well-tolerated.

  - **Accelerated Healing:** The therapy accelerates the body's natural healing mechanisms, promoting faster recovery from injuries.

  - **Versatility:** Soft shockwave therapy can be applied to various parts of the body, making it a versatile treatment option.

5. Integration into Beauty and Wellness Industry:

  - Salons and wellness centers, including establishments in China like "bomeitongbeauty," may incorporate soft shockwave therapy machines into their service offerings. These machines can complement existing treatments, providing clients with additional options for pain relief, rehabilitation, or aesthetic enhancements.

shockwave machine

softwave shock wave machinemedical shockwave


